
Green Safaris

Lauren Watson | October 1, 2019

Green Safaris fell in love with Africa’s pristine wilderness years ago in particular Zambia and Malawi. Their passion for Eco-Safaris lead them towards the construction of a green eco-lodge namely Ila Safari Lodge located in one of the world’s most untouched natural parks – The Kafue National Park, Zambia.

Driven by their passion to preserve nature and to contribute towards an eco-friendly safari they invested in an eBoat as well as an eLandy, providing guests the opportunity for a unique silent safari experience. Pushing the boundaries a little further the green team chose to build the Lodge using sandbags to reduce its footprint and chose to power the by solar to harness the sun’s energy.

Further to these efforts Green Safaris have opened a community farm just outside the park, sponsored the deployment of a new digital radio system for Panthera to improve their anti-poaching and law enforcement activities, sponsored the purchase of a fire-fighting unit for Game Rangers International to assist in controlling vast wildfires, sponsored the construction of the Zambia Carnivore Project’s new base station and sponsored a new pilot project called HackthePoacher developed by a Dutch tech collective dedicated to improving the monitoring of poaching activities throughout the Kafue.

With Green Safaris’ great love for Malawi they acquired Kaya Mawa on Likoma Island. A romantic beach destination rated one of the top 10 Honeymoon Destinations by Conde Nast. Replicating Ila’s ideal silent eco-friendly safari Green Safaris have begun converting all the property’s quad bikes to solar power.

Eager to implement its green footprint Green Safaris quickly took up the Likoma Island Reforestation project where the foundation secured land, seeds and management to grow both large quantities of indigenous trees as well as a dedicated section of fast-growing trees. They continue to support “Katundu” a community project dedicated to empowering the local women learn to craft world renowned products. Green Safaris has started a number of other new initiatives including “Likoma Clean-Up Project” dedicated to reduce the amounts of (plastic) waste on the island, the “Likoma Health project” involves the sponsorship of several projects to improve the quality of health care through infrastructure and sponsoring students, another is “Likoma Education Projects” where the foundation sponsors several nursery Schools on Likoma Island to improve the quality of education.

Find out more about us by visiting our website



Green Safaris aims to replicate its footprint further, a group aimed

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